St. Louis has the best zoo in the country! Not only is it free but you can really see a lot of the animals and get pretty close! We had a great day and saw lots of great stuff, although a few members of the family were hot and tired by 10:00am! :)
Lydia on the spider web in the Children's Zoo
Colin being "eaten" by a hippo
A bear playing with a red ball (it had food in it)

A gorilla walking towards us with food in his mouth!
A gorilla walking towards us with food in his mouth!
If you ever get to St. Louis, you need to check this place out! Parking is $11 now...yikes! (you can attempt to park on the street) Admission is free and the few things that you do have to pay for (children's zoo, merry go round, dino adventure, & the stingray exhibit) are free the first hour it is open. We got there at excatly 8:00am and got to do both the Children's zoo and the merry go round for free. It is a great deal!! :)
I went there with a church mission trip when I was in high school and had a great time. It really is a good zoo and when I finally come to visit you, it's a place we'll certainly have to visit. :)