but there isn't a whole lot going on here. Lydia is still doing TaeKwonDo at Myung's...they have a new website. Check it out here http://www.myungmartialarts.com/ She has not much longer as a Kindergartener! I don't know where the year went, but it is almost over! Lydia has a lot of things planned for the summer...teeball, a few day camps, and swimming lessons just to name a few.
Erynn is winding down at school...she literally has only 2 days left! yikes! What excatly am I going to do with her ALL summer Long?!? ;) Most of the classes at the YMCA require a parent at her age and I don't know what I would do with Colin during that time. I certainly can't have a babysitter come out once a week so Erynn and I can go cut and paste! :) I am sure that we will find some things to do. I am betting we will spend a lot of time at Aunt Maureen's pool, but only time will tell! Oh and I forgot that we will have to spend some serious time working on the potty training thing. If she wants to go to school next year, she HAS to be potty trained...just some extra motivation!
Colin is getting bigger by the day (almost by the minute it seems!). He just started crawling this past weekend! It is exciting and scary all at once. He isn't all that interested in crawling all over, but he has figured out that he can get things he wants by moving to them instead of waiting for someone to bring it to him! :) He also has started saying "ba ba ba". Daddy works on getting him to say "da da da" and I work on getting him to say "ma ma ma". :) We will see who is the better teacher! :)
That is about all I have for now. Hopefully I can post some new pics soon...I have to get it out and actually TAKE some!
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