Lydia started taking Taekwondo at Myung Martial Arts around the beginning of March, along with her daddy. She LOVES it! She has a focus and excitement about it that I haven't really seen in her before. And, as her mom, I think she is really good! :) Last Saturday she tested to advance from a white belt to a yellow belt. This first picture is of her demonstrating some of the moves she has learned at class.
This next picture is Lydia getting ready to break a board (this was her second try) with a kick.
If you look closely, you can see the board has broken in half...and all from her kick! :)

This was Master Myung presenting Lydia with her new yellow belt! She was SO excited and I was SO proud! I am not a mom to get too mushy about things, but I honestly had tears in my eyes. It is nice to see your child want something so badly, work hard, and accomplish it! She is determined to make black belt...and I have a funny feeling she just might do it. Of course you will have to tune back in about 5 years! :)
This was Master Myung presenting Lydia with her new yellow belt! She was SO excited and I was SO proud! I am not a mom to get too mushy about things, but I honestly had tears in my eyes. It is nice to see your child want something so badly, work hard, and accomplish it! She is determined to make black belt...and I have a funny feeling she just might do it. Of course you will have to tune back in about 5 years! :)
That's awesome Kristin! My oldest sister's 4 kids all take taekwando and absolutely love it. It's been great for them as well. Good job Lydia!!