Friday, June 18, 2010

Silly kid

Colin is one...

wacky kid!  But oh, so CUTE!

Variety Showstopper

So last year, our school started doing a variety/talent show.  I thought Lydia would freak out being on stage and so we didn't do anything.  After Lydia saw the show, she was adamant she wanted to do it this year.  I wasn't sure she would be okay on the stage by herself, although now I am sure she would have been fine. I sometimes have a hard time understanding how she feels about things only because I was SO shy and insecure when I was her age.  Thankfully she has very little of that self doubt going on and loves doing just about everything.  I can't imagine much holding her back from doing what she wants to do!
Anyway, she decided to do her Tae Kwon Do forms with a friend of ours who goes to both our school and our Tae Kwon Do school.  She got up on stage and did amazing!  No signs of nerves or anything!  If you know Tom, you know she didn't get her comfort in front of groups from him either.  Needless to say, we are both very proud of her!
She also ended the year with straight A's.  That she might have gotten from both her mom and dad, although she works hard at school to be her best.  Again, who wouldn't be proud of her?

End of 3 year old preschool

Erynn and Ms Gabby...although Erynn wouldn't talk much to her teachers all year, around March I think Erynn really started to be comfortable around Ms Gabby.  SO SO SO different than Lydia, Erynn takes her time when getting to know people.  And believe me, if she doesn't want to talk to you...she won't!  Her other teacher, Ms Shari rarely has heard her voice.  There is always next year!   

One of the last days of school was spent at the park for a family picnic.  Along with great food, there always were some games.  This is Erynn's class getting ready to play "jump across the river".  Considering my children are not the most coordinated, I was sure that Erynn would be out of it quickly.  Imagine my surprise when she did VERY well and was one of the last 5 or so!
Showing off her jumping ability...maybe she will be a track and field star!